Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It’s a Store… to buy Zunes – 11/25/09

Yup, another Zune post. This time, it’s The Zune Store is Microsoft’s direct-purchase solution for buying and customizing Zune HDs, Zune 80s, and Zune 120s. Why do I care about it? It has the greatest feature for a customization-based store I’ve found.

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Zune Store has a fully rotatable image of your customized Zune HD. You can turn 360 degrees, and it updates with any choices you make. For instance, my screenshot above is a blue Zune HD with an inscription.

The only flaw I found with the store is that Zune HDs are not sent with earbuds, though I can now no longer find evidence that on the site itself. It’s possible that they’ve fixed that flaw. However, it’s not a big problem because the standard earbuds that come with MP3 players are always terrible and uncomfortable.

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