Wednesday, November 25, 2009

No Relationship to Koopa Troopas – 11/25/09

Wakoopa is a cool little piece of software. When you sign up, you download a small tracking program to your computer. The tracker collects usage data of all your programs. The website shows you an over-time graph of your usage by type of application or a by-application graph.

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A stroke of brilliance with the system is that they’ve made it into a simple game. As the Wakoopa program detects more new programs, it awards your account points that will be used to automatically level up your profile. You start as a novice and can work your way up to fanatic or even higher. Along with awarding points, the web site will recommend other pieces of software.

That’s where the system shows some flaws. Your ability to filter results is highly restricted, letting you only hide webapps or program type. I would like to be able to tell Wakoopa not to show me Anti-Virus programs as I’m quite happy with Avast!. Also, as someone who has never used a Virtual Machine, I don’t want to see Virtualization solutions.

It’s a cool site, with cool concepts, and is a great time-waster for people who like graphs.

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