Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Satan of RSS Feeds… Is That a Good Thing? – 11/25/09

My RSS reader, FeedDemon is one of my favorite programs. It does as good a job as anyone in aggregating the feeds, but FeedDemon does something that no other RSS Reader that I’ve used has done. FeedDemon synchronizes my feeds with my Google Reader account. This design choice allows me to have FeedDemon on both my desktop and laptop and be able to see just the most recent stories. Also, Google Reader has a mobile webpage, so I can even check my feeds from my cellphone.

RSS Feeds are something I take for granted, so I went to Wikipedia to see what their story was. According to Wikipedia, RSS is an invention of Netscape in 1999. I didn’t even know Netscape was still around then. RSS feeds then were not XML files like modern feeds until 2000, when RSS 1.0 came out.

The orange radio-wave icon for RSS was not an invention of Netscape, however. The logo was designed to be used in the descendant of the Netscape browser, Mozillla Firefox. Later, Microsoft and Opera Software implemented the icon in their browsers, effectively making the orange square the industry standard.

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