@Mannheimer I'm thinking I'm going to make my blog post entirely out of tweets for this one.
@Mannheimer Twitter is an amazing networking tool. It lets users follow people they're interested in and be followed by people that like
@Mannheimer them. Unfortunately, the 140 character limit puts some constraints on what a person can say or do
@Mannheimer However, the short size has the potential of forcing users to say exactly what they need to say and nothing more
@Mannheimer I don't understand the purpose of the new lists feature either. I guess it lets users track other users they don't follow but
@Mannheimer why not just follow them? Much like Twitter itself, Twitter's lists solve a problem that doesn't necessarily exist.
@Mannheimer I discovered the mystery of the 140-char limit. It was done to support SMS messaging, according to Wikipedia http://bit.ly/JVsI
@Mannheimer The ability to customize profile page is a nice concept but runs the risks of creating Geocities or MySpace style pages
@Mannheimer Overall, I find it to be an interesting service, but can't shake the feeling of it just being one huge fad.
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